Permission Attachment

Starting v2.7.0, this feature can only now be used through the Player Delegate command.

If you want to execute commands as a console refer to Console Delegate.

Permission attachments allow players to have temporary access to command permissions. It's only available via player delegate to prevent a vulnerability when it's used as a prompt queue argument.

How to use Permission Attachment

The general idea is to give players a set of permissions that you define in a very short amount of time. This permission set and the duration can be found and configured in config.yml under the Permission Attachment section.

Step 1: Configuring permissions

# Permission Attachment Config
# Permission attachments allow players
# to have temporary permissions.
# ticks - Set how long (in ticks) should the
#         permission attachment persist.
# permissions - permissions to temporarily
#               attach to the players.
  ticks: 1
    - bukkit.command.gamemode
    - essentials.gamemode
    - essentials.gamemode.survival
    - essentials.gamemode.creative

With the given configuration above, we defined a permission attachment called GAMEMODE to attach gamemode-related permission.

It's important that you only give permissions that you are willing to give to your players. I advise against putting permissions that allow your server to be compromised!

Step 2: Using permission attachments in a prompt

To use the permission attachment, we need to use it via the Player Delegate like the following:

playerdelegate CyR1en GAMEMODE gamemode <what gamemode do you want?>

Once the player fulfilled the prompt, CommandPrompter will attach the permissions defined under GAMEMODE and dispatch the command, and remove the attached permissions afterward.

Last updated